Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Verse of February
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth


Aims & Objectives
The broad aims of the Chemistry curriculum are to enable students to:

  • develop interest and maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about Chemistry;
  • construct and apply knowledge of Chemistry, and appreciate the relationship between Chemistry and other disciplines;
  • appreciate and understand the evolutionary nature of Science;
  • develop skills for making scientific inquiries;
  • develop the ability to think scientifically, critically and creatively, and solve problems individually and collaboratively Chemistry-related contexts;
  • discuss Science-related issues using the language of Chemistry;
  • make informed decisions and judgments on Chemistry-related issues;
  • develop open-mindedness, objectivity and pro-activeness;
  • show appropriate awareness of working safely;
  • understand and evaluate the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of Chemistry, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship.

Department Members

Department Head: Mr. Tam Hok Hei
Teachers: Dr. Choi Chi Fung, Mr. Chu Yun Fat

Curriculum (Junior Form)

Topic I Planet Earth
To provide opportunities for students to appreciate that we are living in a world of chemicals which can be obtained from the earth’s crust, the sea and the atmosphere. 

Topic II  Microscopic World I
To study the chemistry which involves the linkage between phenomena in the macroscopic world and the interaction of atoms, molecules and ions.

Curriculum (Senior Form)
Core Part:
Topic II  Microscopic World I

To study the chemistry which involves the linkage between phenomena in the macroscopic world and the interaction of atoms, molecules and ions. 

Topic III Metals
To develop an understanding of how metals are extracted from their ores and how they react with other substances.

Topic IV Acids and Bases
To study the properties and reactions of acids and bases/alkalis, and the concept of molarity.

Topic V  Fossil Fuels and Carbon Compounds

  • To study carbon compounds which play an important role in industry and in daily life
  • To appreciate the use of fossil fuels which has brought us benefits and convenience, such as providing us with domestic fuels and raw materials for making synthetic polymers like plastics and synthetic fibers, alongside environmental problems such as air pollution, acid rain and global warming.

Topic VI Microscopic World II

  • To identify the polar bonds and their partial charges.
  • To explain the polarity of a molecule.
  • To understanding the different natures of intermolecular forces and explain certain physical properties.

Topic VII Redox Reactions, Chemical Cells and Electrolysis

  • To understand the chemistry involved in a chemical cell, the concept of redox reactions.
  • To predict products in electrolysis according to the different factors affecting the preferential discharge of ions.

Topic VIII Chemical Reactions and Energy
to understand the concepts of energetics in terms of practical work on the simple calorimetric method and quantitative treatment of Hess’s law.

Topic IX Rate of Reaction 
To learn different methods that can be used to follow the progress of a reaction and the factors that affect the rate of reaction.

Topic X  Chemical Equilibrium 
To build up students’ understanding of the concepts involved as well as the relationship between different types of equilibria.

Topic XI Chemistry of Carbon Compounds 

  • To study the reactions of the functional groups (including the reagents, reaction conditions, products and observations).
  • To learn some important organic substances such as aspirin, detergents, nylon and polyesters.

Topic XII Patterns in the Chemical World 
To develop an understanding of the importance of the Periodic Table in chemistry like the periodic trends of physical properties of some elements and the periodic relationship between acid-base properties of selected oxides.  

Elective Part:
Topic XIII Industrial Chemistry 

To provide students with opportunities to advance their knowledge and understanding of some fundamental chemistry principles, and to develop an understanding of industrial chemistry such as the Haber process, chloroalkali industry and the methanol manufacturing process.  

Topic XV Analytical Chemistry 

  • To apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in previous topics of the Compulsory Part to plan and carry out appropriate tests for the detection of some common chemical species.
  • To solve problems related to estimating quantities of substances, if possible, in authentic situations. 
  • To study the modern instruments which play a key role in chemical analysis nowadays.


Information day 


Qualitative analysis

Small group tutorials

Making simple chemical cells