Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Verse of February
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Life Planning

With the vision that life planning education is an ongoing and lifelong process for personal fulfillment with different foci at different stages of the lifetime, life Planning education in BHJS is holistic and vibrant.  At the schooling stage, life planning education is one of the key components in promoting whole-person development, with the objectives of enabling students’ self-understanding, personal planning,  goal setting, self-reflection, equipping students with the knowledge of various study, career, and training pathways, work ethics and the working world. 

The life planning education sub-committee strives to organize various experiential learning activities for students in different forms to equip and cultivate students with knowledge, skills and attitudes so as to make wise and informed choices according to their interests, abilities and orientations.


Identifying personal interests and abilities, setting academic goals and execution, connecting career aptitudes with subject selection, and developing a lifelong vision of career planning

F.1: Adaption to the Transition to Secondary School Life and Self-understanding

F.2: Self-Discovery and careers exploration  

F.3: NSS curriculum & subject selection


Strengthening the connections between career aptitudes and subject selection, adapting to changes associated with the transition from secondary education to employment 

F.4: Personality Traits & Aptitude Tests & Revision of NSS Study Plans & Careers Exploration

F.5 - F.6: Interview Skills Workshop & Reflection on student’s learning profile & Writing personal statement and resume & careers exploration


Careers and Life Planning Assembly



F.4 C-Day Activity --- Career Taster Program of different professions



Dialogues with CEOs and Entrepreneurs Activities


F.4 & F.5 Career Exploration: Visiting hospital


F.5 & F.6 Interview Skills Workshop


F.4  Financial Planning Workshop


F.1 Adaption to Secondary School Life Workshop