Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Verse of February
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Integrated Science

Aims & Objectives

  • Develop curiosity and interest in science through authentic examples.
  • Acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in science especially problem solving and communication skills. 
  • Develop the ability to integrate and apply scientific knowledge and skills through mini projects.
  • Be aware of the latest implications of science in social contexts.

Department Members

Department Head: Dr. Choi Chi Fung
Teachers: Ms. Fung Wing Sze, Mr. Yu Yiu Tong, Mr. Lee Hon Pui


Form One
Unit 1 Introducing Science
Students will get a glimpse of the nature of science and will appreciate the fun of learning and doing science experiments. They will be introduced the major steps of scientific investigations and some basic practical skills.

Unit 2 Water
In this Unit, students will learn about the above aspects of water, and perform practical works and investigations. These would help students develop some science process skills as well as the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills of different disciplines.

Unit 3 Looking at Living Things
Through the study of living things in this unit, students will develop science process skills in observation and classification.

Unit 4 Cells, Human Reproduction and Heredity
In this Unit, students will learn about cells, human reproduction and heredity. Through preparing slides of live specimens for observation of different cells, students practise using science process skills such as using a microscope, observing and making biological drawing.

Unit 5 Energy
In this Unit, students will learn the different forms of energy, energy conversion, energy transfer processes and various kinds of energy sources.

Unit 6 Matter as Particles
In this Unit, students will be introduced some basic ideas of particle theory and learn to use it to explain some physical phenomena.

Form Two

Unit 7 Living Things and Air
In this Unit, students will learn about the different components of air and natural balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through performing different practical works and investigations.

Unit 8 Making Use of Electricity
In this Unit, students will learn about the different aspects of electricity through connecting circuits, drawing and interpreting circuit diagrams, and conducting a series of practical works and investigations.

Unit 9 Common Acids and Alkalis
Through performing different practical works, e.g. classifying substances into acids and alkalis, measuring the pH of substances and obtaining salts from neutralization, students will practice using some science process skills, like observation, classification and presenting data in graphical presentation for effective communication.

Unit 10 Sensing the Environment
In this Unit, students will learn about how sight and hearing are produced and the structures of corresponding sense organs. They will then learn about other senses and the role of the brain in detecting the environment

Unit 11 Force and Motion
Through drawing distance-time graph and performing practical work to observe the phenomena of action and reaction, students develop some science process skills such as observing, inferring and communicating using graphical representation.


Form Two Group Project - Solar Powered Mason Jar Lantern


Field Trip

Form One Investigation Experiment – Cyanotype

Experiment outside the Laboratory – Fair Testing on Optimum Condition for Cyanotype

Plant Investigation