Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Vision and Mission

As a co-educational government-subsidized EMI secondary school, our mission is to make available to boys and girls a sound and all-round secondary education conducted on Christian principles as professed by the Sheng Kung Hui.

We strive to exhort our students to emulate Bishop Hall, a great and godly man who dedicated his whole life to serving the people of Hong Kong and China, in the spirit of his family motto – “I Am Not Born for Myself Alone”, which is adopted as our school motto. As our school motto goes, all Jubileans are nurtured to love and serve the community.

We are committed to nurturing the whole-person development of students and instilling in them Christian values of love, caring, self-confidence, embracing all that is good, true and beautiful so that all students will graduate as healthy and competent individuals, both of mind and body. 

School's Key Concerns

 1. To enhance students’ learning capacity and scholastic quality through comprehensive strategies in teaching and learning.

 2. To instill positive values and life-long aspirations into students and nurture them to become future leaders with a national and global mindset.