Verse of January
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Service Learning

‘I am not born for myself alone’ is the school motto. To nurture our students to become servant leaders in the future, the Service Learning Framework in BHJS allows students to learn, reflect and grow through conducting social service. In each service learning activity, the following 5 elements are emphasized:

  • Planning
  • Service
  • Reflection
  • Evaluation
  • Praising

These allow students to link personal and social development with academic and cognitive development.

  • The BHJS Service Learning Framework is as follows:
  • Form 1: Serve the class (e.g. Classroom Cleanliness Scheme)
  • Form 2: Serve the school (e.g. Student helpers in school functions)
  • Form 3: Serve the community (e.g. Mary Rose School Service Scheme)
  • Form 4 to Form 6: Service learning in Key Learning Areas and being Student leaders

F.1-3 Classroom Cleanliness Scheme 

F.2 Student helpers


F.3 Mary Rose School Service Scheme


F.4 Visiting the street sleepers (Collaboration with Liberal Studies)

F.4-5 Elderly Home Visit


F.4-5 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Social Service


F.4-5 Surplus Food Redistribution Experience in Shek Kip Mei