Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Verse of February
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
P.A.S.S.: BHJS Gospel Month 2024-2025

The Gospel Month was successfully held from 2 to 20 December, 2024. This year’s theme was P.A.S.S., and the activities included Morning Greetings, a Religious Book and Gift Fair, Christmas Caroling, a Prayer Corner, Gospel Workshops, a Gospel Game Fair, Hymn Dedication, and an Evangelistic Meeting.

The kick-off ceremony for Gospel Month took place during the Religious Morning Assembly on 2 December, officiated by our school principal, Ms. Law, and school chaplain, Revd Cheung, while CU teachers and students joined together to sing and dance to launch Gospel Month.

The first week’s activities centered around the Religious Book and Gift Fair, and Morning Greetings. Besides allowing students to explore works by various Christian authors, the fair also enabled them to purchase their favorite gospel stationery and gifts, allowing them to engage with their faith from different perspectives. Additionally, every morning, CU teachers and students welcomed everyone back to school by singing hymns.


The second week focused on the Prayer Corner, Gospel Workshop, and the Evangelistic Meeting. During recess and lunch breaks, students could visit the Prayer Corner to share prayer requests with the school chaplain, CU teachers and students, as well as write blessings and prayer messages on the BHJS Walls of Blessings. The peak of the event was the Evangelistic Meeting held on the afternoon of 11 December, led by the Hong Kong Association of Christian Music Ministry Limited (ACM). Team members shared messages and testimonies, and Revd Cheung offered blessings. During this meeting, a total of 32 students expressed their desire to believe in Jesus Christ, 30 students indicated their wish to learn more about the Christian faith, and 60 students showed interest in participating in gospel activities.

In the third week, the focus was on Hymn Dedication and the Gospel Game Fair. Four game booths were set up that day: “Five-Colour Labyrinth,” “Advent Candle Matching Game,” “Fruit of the Spirit,” and “Archery Game.” Over a hundred students participated in these activities. Additionally, Revd Cheung led two experiential workshops for Parent Fellowship and Form 4 students, helping parents and students meditate spiritually amid the pressures of life and study, entrusting their burdens to the Lord.

The Gospel Month concluded with the Christmas Service, where classic Christmas hymns were sung, and the Advent Wreath was lit, symbolizing the true light of Christ coming into the world. Revd Cheung introduced the underlying meaning of the P.A.S.S. theme, which comprises four key aspects: P for Pass (Proclaim), A for Actions of Love, S for Succeed, and S for Successful. BHJS students have a responsibility to inherit the teachings of Bishop Hall, embodying the spirit of “serving others rather than being served.” Success is not only about academic achievement or fame but also about fulfilling our mission to bless more people.

We look forward to the activities during Gospel Month planting seeds of the gospel in the hearts of our students, allowing the Lord’s grace to fill our school.